The YouthASD partnership held its second TPM online on 26 and 27 April 2023

The partners discussed the future phases of the project and the state of the art of finalised activities and dissemination tools.

What has been done so far?

The first outcome of the project involved an initial research phase on good and promising practices in the field of inclusion of young people with Autism Spectrum Disorder and conducting interviews with professionals working in the ASD field, family members and people with ASD. This first phase made it possible to collect important contributions on the needs, difficulties and practices that currently work in the inclusion of young people with ASD in youth organisations in all countries of the partnership.

Based on these fundamental contributions, the partners worked on the creation of a Guide for Youth Organisations, which is available on the project website.

To date, the partnership has also created a training programme for youth workers to equip them with knowledge and tools they can use in their own work context. The piloting of this training will soon take place and the partners discussed how best to implement it in each context.

Finally, thanks to this TPM the opportunity was also given to discuss how to proceed with the next project outcome: Youth programs 4 ASD, Pilot youth programs with the participation of youth with ASD.

So much has been achieved and the partnership is excited to work together on the YouthASD project to foster the well-being and social participation of young people with ASD in community life.

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